There is a strong prophetic voice in the land today. The spirit of Elijah is alive and well in the earth realm today. Amos 3:7 states that God will do nothing unless He reveals it to His prophets. There is a paradigm shift occurring in the spirit realm. Things are lining up and beginning to change. Prayer as usual just won't do. Praise as usual just won't do. Faithfulness as usual just wont do. This is the time for you to come out of your comfort zones and advance upon the enemy to take back what he has stolen from you. Take back your finances! Take back health! Take back your wealth! It's time to snatch back what the devil stole from you! Glory to God! I feel my help! The stuff that was damaged while satan had it, let him keep it! Why? Because I see some new stuff coming into your hands. That husband you've been crying out to God for, he's coming! That wife you been agonizing over, she's coming! The promise that God made you, it's here! Hebrews 10:23 says He's faithful that promise. We must also be faithful in the receiving of that promise! He will do what He said He would do! If you can just praise Him through the rough times, He'll come through for you! I feel like shouting! This is the season to trust God like you've never trusted Him before. Speak to those dry bones and cause life to come back into them. Somebody just got a spiritual resurrection! devil was slowly slaying you spiritually. Trying to get you to tire of the things of God, but I just stopped by to tell you that there is a spiritual upgrade coming your way! Something is about to change in your life! Can you feel it? Do you feel as though you been going through the valley so long that the only way out is up? I just heard that someone reading this right now is about to be elevated, both spiritually and naturally. You've got a whole lot of jealous folks hating on you. But don't you realize, child of God, that your success is measured by the number of haters lined up behind you? The longer the line, the greater the blessings! Thank God for the haters because they are literally your elevators! It's your time! It's your season! Now go and walk in it! Blessings, Prophet Veal.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A Letter to The False Apostle
You are about to be judged. Many are your crimes against God’s people. You have slandered, stole, and sowed seeds of discord among the brethren. If it does not stop, hell will be your abode. You are a thief and a robber. You try to steal from another man’s house that which does not belong to you. You foolish and false apostle, have you not yet learned that you can never keep that which you steal? You cannot attract untrained souls to your church so you deceive trained ones by maligning their current leader. Manipulation has become your silent partner and he grows louder with each infraction. A spirit of pride has taken control of your soul, False Apostle. There is little truth in you. The truth that was formerly in you has been compromised by your lies. You have tainted the anointing placed upon you, slowly disqualifying yourself from kingship. Like King Saul, you are in danger of losing the kingdom. You called yourself an apostle and have been found to be a liar. That which you have sown, you shall also reap. You shall eat the fruit of your false labor and bear the consequences of preaching messages full of rejection and religion. You have become the very thing that you hate; a witch and a warlock. There is no integrity in you. Your own mouth will be your downfall. Your words have fooled silly women, but the true see you for what you really are. He is not pleased with you. You have touched His anointed and done His prophets harm. There is still a chance of redemption. Cease your demonic phrases that disrupt Godly unity. Ask the Lord to forgive you. Do it before it’s too late. After all your slanderous words, false accusations, and clumsy attempts to taint my name, I forgive you. Unlike you, the closer I get to the Lord the more loving I become. He gives me the ability not to strike you in your lying lips, not do as you have done to me, and to live a life free of a false apostle such as yourself. This letter is therapy for me. It has allowed me a voice for my pain. I am a work in progress. When people insult me, my natural reaction is to retaliate, but when you bless someone who does evil or harm to you, you receive a blessing (1st Peter 3:9). I ask God to bless you, False Apostle. You are consistently in my prayers.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Conviction vs. Condemnation
Are there ever times in your life that you don't feel especially close to God? Have you ever felt like God was not hearing your prayers due to sinful transgressions? These questions and many others stem from condemnation. There is a difference between conviction and condemnation. Conviction is known in the Bible as Godly sorrow. Romans 2:4 lets us know that Godly sorrow leads to repentance, so conviction is meant to produce Godly sorrow that will lead us to ask for forgivenss from God and repent. Condemnation, on the other hand, augments the failures in your life, making them appear bigger than your successes. Conviction brings about Godly change in your life. It convicts you to elevate your level in God, while condemnation condemns you into feelings of guilt and shame. It's not God's will to condemn you, but it is to convict you! Condemnation magnifies your problems, while conviction provides the answer through affliction. None of the two ever feel good, but one makes you better (conviction) while the other keeps you bitter (condemnation)! Romans 8:1 tells us that there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Right now there is no need for you to feel guilt and shame about what transpired in your past. "There is therefore now" indicates present tense, the here and now, "no condemnation in them which are in Christ Jesus." Why? Because He walked according to the Spirit and not His flesh (so should we!). The job of the flesh is to condemn. It is full of pride and the cares of this world. The devil plays upon the flesh's hatred for God. satan ( lower-cased by design) stresses the flesh to try to burden the spirit. Don't allow him to do that to you! Be convicted, but never condemned! Child of God, be provoked to jealousy to do that which is good and just in the sight of the Lord. Don't let condemnation steal your joy. Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that the LORD is your strength! Let the joy of the Lord strengthen you through feelings of condemnation. Don't let anyone, human or devil, make you ashamed of what you've done in the past. Repent to God and move on! Tell the enemy of your soul to "keep it moving!" Once you have asked God for forgiveness, He remembers your sin no more. Only drawback to that statement is that He forgets, but we remember.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Friends Part 2
You learn who your true friends are in the midst of adversity. True friends will endure with you, pray for you and believe that you will evolve into all God has endeavored for you to become. They will not leave you when they don't agree with your ideologies. True friends are willing to discuss issues, not avoid them when they are the origins of your issues! If you are in need of a true friend, let it be Jesus Christ. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24-A man [that hath] friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend [that] sticketh closer than a brother.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sometimes we need to prophesy so called friends out of our lives. There was a worldly song back in the day called "Friends". One line stated, "Friends, how many of us have them?". That is such a true statement. How many true friends do you have? Since I've been saved, I've had so many false friends. I found that the "so called" sanctified folks were more treacherous than the "un-sanctified ones"! Can I get an amen on that? In 2009, I went through the hardest time of my life. I lost my mom, uncle, grandfather, dog, friends and church members. Isn't it amazing that when you're under the most attack by the enemy friends choose to vacate your life? People that claimed that they were "down with you', "would never leave you", are the first to go. Amazing! Many today lack integrity, their words mean nothing. If you cannot keep your word, there's no way you're keeping God's word! Many saints use the word "covenant" so lightly. Real covenant relationships like David and Jonathon, are seldom found in the world today. Ask God about which relationships are ordained of God and which are not. When you have God-approved friends in your life, you can't go wrong! They will look and act more like Jesus! Blessings.
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