Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Prophetic Word Just For You!

There is a strong prophetic voice in the land today. The spirit of Elijah is alive and well in the earth realm today. Amos 3:7 states that God will do nothing unless He reveals it to His prophets. There is a paradigm shift occurring in the spirit realm. Things are lining up and beginning to change. Prayer as usual just won't do. Praise as usual just won't do. Faithfulness as usual just wont do. This is the time for you to come out of your comfort zones and advance upon the enemy to take back what he has stolen from you. Take back your finances! Take back health! Take back your wealth! It's time to snatch back what the devil stole from you! Glory to God! I feel my help! The stuff that was damaged while satan had it, let him keep it! Why? Because I see some new stuff coming into your hands. That husband you've been crying out to God for, he's coming! That wife you been agonizing over, she's coming! The promise that God made you, it's here! Hebrews 10:23 says He's faithful that promise. We must also be faithful in the receiving of that promise! He will do what He said He would do! If you can just praise Him through the rough times, He'll come through for you! I feel like shouting! This is the season to trust God like you've never trusted Him before. Speak to those dry bones and cause life to come back into them. Somebody just got a spiritual resurrection! devil was slowly slaying you spiritually. Trying to get you to tire of the things of God, but I just stopped by to tell you that there is a spiritual upgrade coming your way! Something is about to change in your life! Can you feel it? Do you feel as though you been going through the valley so long that the only way out is up? I just heard that someone reading this right now is about to be elevated, both spiritually and naturally. You've got a whole lot of jealous folks hating on you. But don't you realize, child of God, that your success is measured by the number of haters lined up behind you? The longer the line, the greater the blessings! Thank God for the haters because they are literally your elevators! It's your time! It's your season! Now go and walk in it! Blessings, Prophet Veal. http://www.faith2endure.com/