Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Sometimes we need to prophesy so called friends out of our lives. There was a worldly song back in the day called "Friends". One line stated, "Friends, how many of us have them?". That is such a true statement. How many true friends do you have? Since I've been saved, I've had so many false friends. I found that the "so called" sanctified folks were more treacherous than the "un-sanctified ones"! Can I get an amen on that? In 2009, I went through the hardest time of my life. I lost my mom, uncle, grandfather, dog, friends and church members. Isn't it amazing that when you're under the most attack by the enemy friends choose to vacate your life? People that claimed that they were "down with you', "would never leave you", are the first to go. Amazing! Many today lack integrity, their words mean nothing. If you cannot keep your word, there's no way you're keeping God's word! Many saints use the word "covenant" so lightly. Real covenant relationships like David and Jonathon, are seldom found in the world today. Ask God about which relationships are ordained of God and which are not. When you have God-approved friends in your life, you can't go wrong! They will look and act more like Jesus! Blessings.


  1. Thanks for your email alert as it relates to your new blog. Great job!! And Amen and amen on your post!
