Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The devil Can't Move You When You Stand On Faith!

The devil hates it when you decide to stand on the promises of God when all hell is breaking loose in your life. The enemy enjoys when you become a traditional or routine church member, never desiring to go outside the proverbial box. There is a need today to go beyond the four walls of our church. So many are simply satisfied with going to church on Sunday and Bible Study on Wednesday, but a relationship with God should not begin and end in a building made with hands. Being a Christian involves so much more than that! Many have become Comfortable Christians who have no desire to progress further in God. They don't pray or stay because they are too busy with the more important things of everyday life. It's such a shame that we would rather sit down on the things of God, rather than stand upon them to get to the next level in God. He wants to do much more in our lives, but our laziness prevents Him from doing so. Proverb 6:6 tells us to go to the ant, thou sluggard (lazy person); consider her ways, and be wise. This lets me know that God cannot or should I say, will not bless a lazy person. We have all been guilty of being sluggish in various areas of our lives, but we should make a concerted effort not to be when it comes to the things of God. If you want more, do more! If you have a need, sow a prayer and fasting seed! When we desire something from God, He requires something from us, whether it be our time, talent, or treasure. Are you willing to do more for God today? If you are, He is ready, willing, and able to do the miraculous for you. What He can do, goes way beyond what you can think or ask Him to do! The author of Ephesians 3:20 confirms this by writing, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Standing requires that you have something to stand upon. Hupostasis is Greek for faith (used in Hebrews 11:1) meaning "that which stands under." Allow faith to be the foundation on which you place your feet. When you stand in faith, it's extremely hard for anything to move you, but you. The devil can't move you, enemies can't move you, only your perception of you has the power to move you. Just stand!


  1. Wow, this is awesome! Study the ant, stand on FAITH no matter how things look or seem and only your perception of you can move you, not your enemies; not satan, only YOU! I am blessed by this message and thank you so much for sharing it. I recently got a word for the Lord which encouraged my heart: the word was "When you sign up for your future, you must sign up for war!" There will be no future without a fight. Many of us as Christians have become lazy and in my case (weary in well doing). We cannot drop our weapons for WARFARE now and allow this devil to win, we must continue to FIGHT! We have allowed our emotions and how WE feel about things, stop us from moving forward in God. We have not made a conscious decision to SIGN UP FOR OUR FUTURE! It's in God's hands and He is ready and willing to give it us, but we can't be LAZY, sitting back chil-laxing, waiting on God to do EVERYTHING. It is just like you said Prophet Veal, "When we desire something from God, He requires something from us." Thank you again for sharing these Ramblings From the Mind of A Prophet of God.

  2. Amen, Sister Watermelon! That is so true! Thanks so much for your comments. Blessings to you and yours always.
